Hatchery Equipment Recommendations For Proper Temperature, Humidity, Ventilation, and Egg Turning

by | Jan 17, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

hatchery equipment

Whether you are starting a hatchery for the first time or you are already running a successful one, it is important that you use the proper hatchery equipment. The right equipment can help you improve your productivity and efficiency. It also provides a better environment for your chicks.

Hatchery climate control is an essential factor in the production of quality hatching eggs. In order to achieve optimum hatching conditions, you must pay special attention to temperature, humidity, ventilation, sanitation, and egg turning. Fortunately, many hatchery equipment manufacturers provide recommendations for each of these aspects.

Temperature is the easiest function to regulate. However, you should make sure that it is adjusted regularly. Too high or too low temperatures can cause poor hatching and lower quality chicks. Ideally, you should maintain a temperature of around 86oF. You can also purchase a Brinsea radiant heat lamp to keep your environment at an ideal temperature.

Humidity is also a critical factor in the incubation of eggs. Using an evaporative pan is recommended to prevent the formation of excessive humidity. When the humidity is too high, the eggs tend to crack and become rotten. Keeping the humidity below 50% helps reduce the risk of egg rot.

Ventilation is necessary throughout the entire incubation process. The venting system is designed to provide fresh air to developing embryos. A venting system is often placed between the hatcher and the incubator. This allows the embryos to be ventilated without disturbing the eggs. As the number of embryos increases, the heating element is rarely turned on.

Keeping an incubator clean is essential for the health of the embryos. To maintain a sanitary condition, you should disinfect the incubator with a quaternary ammonia compound. Quaternary ammonia compounds are non-corrosive and have the ability to kill bacteria. For best results, the machine should be cleaned before using a quaternary ammonia product.

Another critical part of your incubating equipment is the candler. In addition to keeping the temperature and humidity at a suitable level, you should turn the eggs to ensure that the whole egg is exposed to the correct environment. If the yolk is not turned, it will try to float on the albumen. Usually, the yolk will rise upwards, but you should also turn the eggs frequently to maintain full hatching potential.

Sanitation is one of the most important factors in the production of hatching eggs. Proper sanitation can eliminate the risk of early brooding death and lingering morbidity problems during the grow-out period. During this time, a good quality feed is important for your broodstock.

Egg turning is a common procedure during the nest incubation of chickens and quail. Turning the eggs helps the embryos develop properly. Some producers run their hands over the eggs to do this. But a simple way to ensure that the entire egg is turned is by using a clean out rod. These rods are made of rustproof stainless steel and allow you to remove debris without disturbing the eggs.

Written By Incubator Blog


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